← Back to the home page⌊kn⌋S,r is the number of partitions of an (n+r) element set into (k+r) lists, where a list means a non-empty, linearly ordered subset, such that r distinguished elements have to be in distinct ordered blocks, and each block has cardinality belonging to some set S.
⌊kn+1⌋S,r=⌊k−1n⌋S,r+1+rs∈S∑s!(s−2n)⌊kn−s+2⌋S,r−1k⌊kn⌋S,r=s∈S∑s!(sn)⌊k−1n−s⌋S,rr⌊kn⌋S,r=rs∈S∑s!(s−1n)⌊kn−s+1⌋S,r−1(n+r)⌊kn⌋S,r=s∈S∑s!s(sn)⌊k−1n−s⌋S,r+rs∈S∑s!s(s−1n)⌊kn−s+1⌋S,r−1n=k∑∞⌊kn⌋S,rn!xn=k!1(s∈S∑xs)k(s∈S∑sxs−1)rBényi, Méndez, Ramirez: GENERALIZED ORDERED SET PARTITIONS
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